What are the high profit freshwater fish culture species?
Fans often ask me, what are the high-profit freshwater fish breeds? This is actually a difficult question to answer. Because in order to achieve high profit aquaculture. It is not only related to the breed, but also related to the mode of breeding, the density of breeding, the breeding technology of specific fish species and other factors.
1. High profit freshwater fish breed
Let's start by talking about common high-margin freshwater fish breeds. The first thing I recommend is the California perch. Because the domestication technology of California perch has matured in recent years, it can be fed with artificial compound diet. Significant cost reductions are achieved. At the same time, the supply chain of California perch species and animal protection is also very perfect. And California perch meat delicious, market development space is huge. The major feed companies have outlets in each province. So feed is easy to get. It's easy to farm.
Another high profit freshwater fish breed is mandarin fish, also known as osmanthus fish. The price of Tangkou has been kept above 35 yuan per catty in recent years. Relatively high profit. But the mandarin fish has one thing about it. That is, he only eats live bait. Some low-value aquatic fish such as dace. Therefore, it is necessary to increase other ponds to breed bait fish while raising mandarin fish. It equalizes the output per unit area. But there are high profit margins. The overall market share is relatively stable. From 2021, it has become a fashion to feed mandarin fish with artificial compound feed instead of bait fish. Artificial compound feed of mandarin fish is gradually mature after market honing in recent years. The taming technology of mandarin fish fry has been mastered by more and more people in Guangdong. Although in the later stage of mandarin fish farming, some diseases and pests are prone to occur, the corresponding animal protection products are also very rich. So. mandarin fish is still a kind of high profit freshwater fish breed.

Among the other freshwater fish breeding varieties, the following can be referred to for higher profits: horsemouth fish, light lip fish, sand goby, pond carp, sesame sword, red tail fish, Chinese sand loach and other local breeding varieties. These endemic farmed varieties, which tend to survive only in the local environment, are sold only locally. The market is relatively narrow. But they have a common feature, that is, the market price is relatively high, the relative profit is also high. The only fly in the ointment is that these fish belong to special fish, the requirements for breeding water quality are relatively high. In terms of feed supply, there may be only a few feed companies with corresponding feed. From spray to seedling, from seedling to commercial fish, we need to find suitable local suppliers for supporting.
2. Breeding mode.
Aquaculture wants to be highly profitable. It's not just about breed. It has a lot to do with farming patterns. After all, most freshwater farmed fish grow for a long time, from three months to two years. It is still possible to achieve highly profitable freshwater fish farming if we change our farming patterns. Like the water lifting pattern of gRASs carp. GRASs carp is a very common fish. But in Guangdong, there are many farmers master gRASs carp hanging water technology. After the gRASs carp cultured in the outer pond is bought back, it will be temporarily raised in the factory or circulating water in the specific pool. The so-called running fish. After hanging water, gRASs carp has no smell of soil and mud, and the taste is more tender. The process of lifting water usually takes no more than 15 days. Although the weight of gRASs carp decreases after the suspension, the price of gRASs carp is more than twice that of ordinary gRASs carp.
Guangzhou Lanling Aquatic Technology Co., Ltd. has more than once recommended to customers a new type of aquaculture model combining factory farming and outer pond farming. That is, during the Spring Festival, the pond base in the outer pond to establish a small factory recycling aquaculture system. Used for early breeding of California perch. When the water temperature in the outer pond is suitable, the larger fry in the factory culture workshop will be put into the outer pond to continue breeding. This can advance the time of vaccination by one to two months. California perch grow in the outer pond until July and August, when prices are highest each year, just enough to meet the requirements of the outer pond. This farming model is easy to achieve high profits in California perch farming.

3. Breeding density and technical difficulty.
To achieve high profits of freshwater fish breeding species, to some extent, it is necessary to increase the breeding density in the unit water body. At the same time improve their own breeding technology level.
The higher the culture density, the higher the requirement of dissolved oxygen in water. Therefore, some aquatic oxygenation equipment can be increased. In some places in the South China Sea of Foshan, the outer pond can reach more than 8000 jin per mu. This output is very rare in China. The corresponding profits are also quite good. The method they adopted was to add several more fish pond oxygenators to the outer pond. In addition to increasing the density of farming, we can also improve the level of Aquaculture technology of managers. Adverse events such as diseases and insect pests will occur when all kinds of fish are cultured in the outer pond. The key to these adverse events is prevention. In addition to taking preventive measures before rainy and hot weather, water quality management should be strengthened on a regular basis. Regular dissection, observation and analysis. Find out the cause and take preventive measures in time. For example, California perch, mandarin fish and other cultured varieties, in the late period of cultivation, due to changes in water environment and other factors, the breeding density is getting higher and higher, and the immunity of fish is declining. At the same time because of feed and other reasons, easy to lead to a high incidence of fish liver disease. And liver disease should be prevented in the first place. By the time a dead fish is found, it's usually more serious. Therefore, we can start from the seeding, with a certain animal protection products mix feeding.
In addition, personally think, mandarin fish is very likely to become a new high profit freshwater fish breed. In 2022, many farmers in Guangdong started the domestication technology of artificial compound feed for mandarin fish. And some have succeeded. It is a great innovation of aquaculture that mandarin fish switch from feeding on live feed to feeding on artificial compound feed. mandarin fish meat delicious, in all parts of the country can be cultured. Moreover, it is a kind of local freshwater fish species originated in China, and the germplasm source is wide, and the degeneration of germplasm is not easy to occur. The profit space is huge, the market prospect is very broad. Because of personal opinion, in the next few years, feed mandarin fish will become a leading freshwater fish aquaculture star variety.