Feasibility of factory culture feed mandarin fish
mandarin fish, also known as osmanthus fish, is a native freshwater fish from China. It is famous for its delicious meat and rich nutrition. It can be farmed in most parts of the country. And it's been farmed for thousands of years. mandarin fish usually feed on small living animals in the water. He's genetically predisposed to this trait. But in recent years, under the promotion of some domestic scientific research institutions, aquatic research institutions and farmers. Forage mandarin fish gradually entered people's view. Through genetic improvement, optimization, select some easy to tame varieties. Feeding artificial compound feed can greatly reduce the cost of mandarin fish breeding. If it is factory farming mandarin fish, improve the breeding density, the profit is quite considerable.
The mandarin fish has always been a relatively high-end fish. From the market in recent years, the average price of the pond is not less than 35 yuan per catty. In that case, its profit margin is good. However, traditional mandarin fish farming requires five times the pond area of the mandarin fish farming pond to raise bait fish at the same time. These bait fish include four fish, soil anteater, wheat anteater, Brazilian sea bream and other species. That is to say, it takes about six acres of pond to raise one mu of mandarin fish, of which five acres are used for feeding fish. This has in effect pushed up the cost of farming mandarin fish. At the same time, due to the seasonal nature of bait fish, there may be problems such as the interruption of bait fish supply. However, under the conditions of external pond culture, these bait fish are easy to carry a large number of pathogens. Easily fatal to the mandarin fish. Coupled with the influence of weather change, water pollution, pathogen invasion and other factors, it is easy to lead to a high incidence of mandarin fish diseases.

Forage mandarin fish farming was proposed a few years ago. Guangdong as a bridgehead of aquaculture, many people have made a variety of attempts since 2019. In the pond with water pump pumping, through the way of flushing, taming the mandarin fish. So it can switch to artificial compound diets. The genetic characteristics of mandarin fish determine that it only eats live bait. So taming is also a skill. The nutrition of artificial compound feed is very important. The mandarin fish eat live bait fish, and the nutrition of artificial compound feed often contains some starch and other ingredients, which the mandarin fish itself can not digest. Long-term feeding artificial compound feed will lead to liver and intestinal diseases of mandarin fish. Therefore, the forage mandarin fish is faced with two major problems. The first problem is that of taming. The operator has to master the techniques of taming, this process requires great patience, but also to accept that the taming results are often not 100% successful. The second problem is the high incidence of liver and intestinal diseases. Liver lesion of mandarin fish caused by artificial compound feed. So our solution is to use some animal protection products to mix when feeding. The mixture should accompany almost the whole mandarin fish farming. At the same time, in the process of management, the mandarinfish should be dissected, observed and analyzed frequently, so as to prevent some diseases.
In the case of soil pond aquaculture feed mandarin fish. Still facing the risks of the earth ponds. That is, weather changes, water pollution, pathogen invasion and other factors caused by the high incidence of disease. Especially after many years of cultivation in the soil pond, a large number of harmful substances, pathogenic bacteria, viruses, harmful eggs and other dangerous factors have accumulated in the bottom mud. Will cause a huge risk to the later breeding. In addition, feed and the nutritional requirements of the mandarin fish itself are not completely consistent. A combination of these factors will increase the incidence of mandarin fish. Therefore, the factory culture of feed mandarin fish is a very potential aquaculture mode.

Factory farming is the reuse of fish feces in aquaculture water through filtration, biochemistry and other links. In this process, we can remove organic suspended matter from the water. At the same time dissolved in water ammonia nitrogen, nitrite and other substances through the cultivation of bacteria and other ways to discharge water. The water quality has been maintained in a stable and reasonable state. Good water to raise good fish is this principle. In the filtration at the same time, we use some equipment for water body oxygenation, constant temperature and other operations. The whole system is carried out in a relatively closed environment. In this way, the negative impacts of weather changes, water pollution, disease invasion and other factors on the feed mandarin fish are eliminated.
The most important characteristic of factory fish farming is the controllability of water quality. Through repeated treatment of water quality by factory aquaculture system equipment, all water quality parameters can be artificially controlled within a constant range. This can create a good environment for the healthy growth of forage mandarin fish. At the same time, we can greatly increase the breeding density of feed mandarin fish and fundamentally improve the economic benefits of the whole farm.

Factory farmed feed mandarin fish also has the great advantage of being farmed in the same environment from domestication to later breeding. The domestication difficulty of mandarin fish will be further reduced. The mandarin fish is an animal that likes to cluster, and once a group of mandarin fish has been domesticated with feed, they are adapted to the factory farming environment. Later stress and other problems are reduced a lot. When cultured mandarin fish fry are transported into a new environment, a large number of stress responses are often produced. The immunity of the fish is reduced. There is a possibility of not eating feed. So taming has a certain failure rate. We need to do everything we can to increase the survival rate, in order to reduce our farming costs as much as possible.